Friday, July 25, 2008

No more job woes!

I have (finally) gotten a job! Woohoo! It is with the daycare that I mentioned previously. I am gonna be working as a teacher for schoolage, which covers kindergarten through 5th grade. I am excited and start on monday!

Brittany has also finished her video...but my computer is acting weird so I do not have the ability to provide a link right now. However, if you go to the Kamen Ramen page, it is listed under conventions. Or, you can go straight to Brittany's blog by using the links on the left.

Meanwhile, we have come up with a super special awesome idea for Sugoicon. The first day of the con falls on Halloween this year. That, coupled with the fact that Brittany and I already have Death Note cosplays led us to the following idea:

Death Note Ghostbusters

Let me explain. I will be cosplaying Light, but with the addition of a proton pack similar to those seen in Ghostbusters. Brittany will likewise be L, with the same pack. Derek...*snickers* will be cosplaying Mello. Since Derek is a bit larger than Mello, we have come up with the hybrid idea. Derek will be cosplaying the Stay Puft MarshMELLOW man. HA! Brittany is currently drawing up plans and I hope that we can pull it out in time.

Until next time, keep hunting Zero!

1 comment:

Kaida said...

wOOt! Comment!

Ok, so, since we already have our cosplays for the most part, all we need is the gear... however, Derek's situation may be a bit harder... all I see are modified hoola-hoops. -_-;