Monday, July 28, 2008

I drive the short bus!

I started my new job today...and among other things, I am responsible for driving the bus to pick the children up from school. It is a modified short school bus, painted white. Don't I feel impressive?

Anyway, episode 16 of Code Geass R2 was subbed. AWESOME! I love that show more and more each time I watch it. And Suzaku is such an awesome character. ^_^ I don't have a man-crush...not at all. *looks away* Between Light and Suzaku...I am starting to develop a complex. Haha.

I am also considering entering a Code Geass cosplay contest. I have until the end of the week to decide. The top prize is the $70.00 special edition box that is come out soon. I REALLY want it, but am not sure if I have a good enough costume. Oh well...guess it doesn't hurt to try.

Until next time, keep hunting Zero!

Friday, July 25, 2008

No more job woes!

I have (finally) gotten a job! Woohoo! It is with the daycare that I mentioned previously. I am gonna be working as a teacher for schoolage, which covers kindergarten through 5th grade. I am excited and start on monday!

Brittany has also finished her video...but my computer is acting weird so I do not have the ability to provide a link right now. However, if you go to the Kamen Ramen page, it is listed under conventions. Or, you can go straight to Brittany's blog by using the links on the left.

Meanwhile, we have come up with a super special awesome idea for Sugoicon. The first day of the con falls on Halloween this year. That, coupled with the fact that Brittany and I already have Death Note cosplays led us to the following idea:

Death Note Ghostbusters

Let me explain. I will be cosplaying Light, but with the addition of a proton pack similar to those seen in Ghostbusters. Brittany will likewise be L, with the same pack. Derek...*snickers* will be cosplaying Mello. Since Derek is a bit larger than Mello, we have come up with the hybrid idea. Derek will be cosplaying the Stay Puft MarshMELLOW man. HA! Brittany is currently drawing up plans and I hope that we can pull it out in time.

Until next time, keep hunting Zero!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2nd post!

Ok, so Brittany is currently uploading the Ikasucon '08 video to veoh and I will have a link once that is done. And now, for something completely different.

My joblessness might soon be over, thanks to a place in Lexington called La Petite Academy. I interviewed today for a teacher position for the K-5th grade group. I am mildly excited about this and hope to hear from them soon. The pay will be quite good, since I have 3 years of childcare experience.

Also, I watched all of Code Geass R2 last night, well, all that has been subbed at the moment which is episode 15. I still LOVE that series, and it is slowly edging out Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Tactics and Kyo Kara Maoh! as my favorite anime. All of my friends continue to maintain that Suzaku is a douchebag...but as I see it, he is simply trying to protect those he loves, avenge the death of the one person in the world that truly understood him, and throws himself completely into his work. I can see myself in all of these qualities...and find myself being very sympathetic toward Suzaku. I don't even think the part where he almost forced Kallen to take psychotropic drugs as being a douchebag...cause he pulled away and realized that he couldn't stoop to that level. Of course, I also love Light Yagami from Death my opinions might be a little off. Oh well, Suzaku is awesome! :-P

That is really all I have to say about that...

Until next time, keep hunting Zero!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

1st post and con report!

Ok, so this is my blog. I decided to start one after I got home from Ikasucon '08 because I wanted a place to share funny stories from the convention. Thus, the blog is born. I will work on it as I get the chance (which could potentially be a lot right now, since I am currently unemployed). For now, I have a funny con story to share. Derek and I were in the dealer room talking with con guest Tristan McAvery (Gendou of Evangelion fame). For some reason, they both discovered that they really enjoyed cheese. During the weekend, Ft. Wayne was having a food festival and Tristan imparted onto us some of his cheese knowledge. As we were talking, a boy of I guess about 10 to 11 came up to us and asked us why we were talking about cheese. Now, at this point, I am in my Suzaku cosplay...I have bandages on my face and I am wearing dark sunglasses. I look down at the boy and simply ask, "why aren't YOU talking about cheese?" He paused, cocked his head to the side for a moment and then smiled a bit. He shook his head, said "ok, fair enough," and proceeded to walk away. We all enjoyed a small chuckle and then resumed our cheese conversation. Tristan then had partial brain failure as he tried to remember the name of a particular cheese. He kept giving clues but couldn't figure out his own riddle. Finally, Derek guessed which both Derek and Tristan (at the same time) wave their left hands in a slight downward motion and say, "Thank you!" As we walked away from the actor, I slapped Derek on the shoulder and said, " have bonded with Tristan McAvery and have the exact same mannerisms." It was definately one of those 'you had to be there' moments, but it was quite hysterical at the time.

There was so much greatness at the con, most of which will be in the video that Brittany is preparing. Keep and eye out for that one, I will post a link once its finished.

Until next time, keep hunting Zero!