Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gone for a while...

Ok, so I haven't posted in a while. Meh. Too bad. ^_^

Not much going on con-wise...with the exception that we have confirmed out costumes for Sugoicon and Ohayocon. Sugoicon is probably not gonna be too exciting cosplay wise, Brittany is going as adult Nel from Bleach and I will (hopefully) be going as Uryu Ishida in his school uniform, also from Bleach.

Ohayocon however, is an entirely different story. I will still be Ishida, but this time it will be his (4th?) costume, fully equipped with Steele Schneider. ^_^ Brittany will probably stay as Nel, unless she switches to Nemu. Derek is gonna be Mayuri (eww...) and Abby is gonna be Syazel. Its gonna ROCK!!

Also, I am working on a Code Geass group...with me as Suzaku, of course!! I have roped Brittany into being Cecile and Leon will be Lloyd. There are several others that might cosplay...but that is a big maybe right now.

On the anime front, Code Geass R2 is coming to an end...only episodes 21 and 22 to go!! The ending is looking good! Also, since I haven't written anything in a while, I need to update my feelings on characters. I still LOOOOVVVEEE Suzaku! ^_^ Also, Schneizel is really awesome and has L337 hacksaur skills. AND, I feel bad for Rolo and have ended up liking him. Oh well. Oh, and Cornelia...she is just SUPER AWESOME!

Ok, that is all for now...

Until next time,
keep hunting Zero!

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